Ok, foodies. I'm here to get into the season! No more bah humbugs for me. Let's eat some cookies! This particular recipe has been a Christmas favorite with my family since I can remember Christmas cookies. I believe it was my Grandmother who clipped this page along with a few others from a magazine who knows when. I'm going to guess it was a Women's Day magazine because it says Women's Day Kitchen, but you never know. The originals are in pretty delicate condition by now. I have no idea what actual year they're from, but the coloring is the kind that looks like a black and white photo that was inked in common in the 50's. Well, see for yourself, I've scanned in a copy of the original. Below is an exact copy of the recipe. These cookies are wonderful. Enjoy!
Melt-In-The-Mouth Cookies
Makes about 8 dozen
Women's Day Kitchen
1/2 cup butter
1 cup light-brown sugar, packed
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 egg
3/4 c sifted flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup finely chopped nuts
Cream butter, add sugar, vanilla and egg; beat until light. Add sifted dry ingredients and nuts. Drop by scant teaspoonfuls onto cookie sheets. Bake in hot oven, 400* F., for about 5 minutes. Cool for 1/2 minute. Remove to wire racks.
Chris, this is brilliant!
I recently received a comment on my blog post about melt-in-your-mouth cookies (what our family has taken to calling them) which led me to purchase a copy of Woman's Day Encyclopedia of Cookery, vol 3 on eBay, which just arrived today, and which has the very same recipe passed down to my mother from my grandmother! And now I find your post! I am astounded by the internet right now.
The cookbook was printed in 1965, but it sounds like your scan from the magazine is older. I would love to track down the history of this recipe---is there any other helpful information on the reverse side of the magazine, such as a page number?
Awesome! I will get back to you with that!
After several weeks of research, I've finally posted my brief history of Melt-in-the-Mouth Cookies.
For your readers: the scan above came from the December 1953 edition of Woman's Day, part of a Christmas Cookie Cookbook section intended to be cut out and assembled into a mini cookbook gift.
You can share some recipes from http://www.indiabite.com
I have the exact same pages torn from a magazine! I am pretty sure mine are from my great-grandmother. I had no idea what year the magazine clippings were from, and was really excited to find your and Justin's posts about this. It's really cool to know the year that they are from.
Hi Krista!
Don't you love the internet??!! I was really happy that Justin did his sleuthing and helped solve the Mystery of the Magazine Christmas Cookies! Really brilliant! It was an amazing connection to the past, and for me-to my Gram. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
I've FINALLY found it! I have been searching for this recipe for at least 20 years. My Nana used to make these, my personal favorite> i had the recipe but, lost it. I remember looking at this very same magazine as a little girl. Thank you so very much for sharing!
New Jersey
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